Bits an Bobs

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Re: Bits an Bobs

Postby Dutchmax Thu Oct 17, 2019 2:17 pm

Size and location used?
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Re: Bits an Bobs

Postby usernameunavailable Thu Oct 17, 2019 3:17 pm

This is my experience for the MAX scoots with the orange downtube; this company is a subsidiary of a large US Automaker.
They are using the Pentagon bolts for just about every publicly-accessible bolt, unsure of size.
Once you're inside, it's either hex/torx (or security hex/torx).

I initially thought they used Penta-Torx which secured the IoT device to the downtube... however, after removal, these were certainly Pentagon bolts.

I was able to get most of the bolts out using my Penta-Torx set.
A word of warning though, don't use a drill/driver to remove these bolts. Use a manual/hand driver as they are quite quick to strip.

I have a Pentagon bit set on order from AliExpress which will likely arrive mid November.

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