Setting up the brake

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Setting up the brake

Postby miedziak Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:33 am

I have problems with setting up the KERS. It seems at current mode (print screens) the brake for me is set up at light and I would like to go medium settings (like in the app from Ninebot). Braking is too low and deaccelerating ratio is too low. I have no idea how to set it up. Also have no idea how to set up it in the advanced mode.

If You could post the settings for medium KERS I would be so grateful.

At advanced tab I have four steps: 1: 7000, 2: 14000, 3: 21000, 4: 28000. What are these numbers? How to set it up? At these settings

EDIT: I am not able to upload screenshots... 28A, max speed 32

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