Walmart Special ES4 Advice!

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Re: Walmart Special ES4 Advice!

Postby CDogg Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:42 pm

Hi new ES4 owners! I wanted to put an update here just in case I didn't text you personally.

This forum post has received tons of attention and my dashboards are backordered for a couple more days. I'm doing my best to get everyone their new dashboard so please be patient. I'm still offering free tech support on my business line for those who need it.

But if you're just getting to this post, please remember a couple things before posting a new question:
- If you have this Walmart Bird ES4, whether you have bluetooth available or not, you won't be able to change or modify the firmware settings unless you have the green circuit board dash
- it has the C15 capacitor on the back removed
- if you have a purple circuit board dash, the process is different so don't break your new scooter trying to modify a purple dash.

I am selling a pre-loaded dash if you want to unlock the full potential of your ES4. My dash is only $40 so it's not like I'm making a killing doing this. It's more that I'm an enthusiast willing to help out the community and maybe a few more ppl will enjoy their scooter more and leave their car parked in the driveway.
My tech support is also free, as all of you will have different issues and probably find it faster to text me directly to solve your individual concerns.

Have fun, be safe and wear a helmet.

801-810-8838 (text)
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Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:26 am

Re: Walmart Special ES4 Advice!

Postby freewaypigeon Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:31 am

WARNING. Like others have pointed out the ES4-800 can burn out its controller when you use the E brake at high speeds. Solder points are weak. I also learned the hard way and just ordered a new one. I was only at 19mph and hit the E brake. Now the front wheel locks when you try to move it forward and/or accelerate. Everything else works fine.

I'm going to pull the plug on the E brake after I install the new controller and just use the foot brake. However, if anyone has advice on how to fix this let me know. If it's a matter of making better solder points on where it blew then great. It seems we have several of these anecdotal incidents so be careful and don't make the mistake I did if you plan on modifying your top speed.
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Re: Walmart Special ES4 Advice!

Postby EdL Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:07 pm

If you are handy with tools, consider replacing the rear wheel with a drum break or add a disk brake. Just search the internet for instructions.

I chose the drum brake because I like the added cushion that the pneumatic tire gives. If you like, I can post my Amazon parts list for my drum brake modification.
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Re: Walmart Special ES4 Advice!

Postby BossTones737 Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:38 pm

Hi new ES4 owners! I wanted to put an update here just in case I didn't text you personally.

This forum post has received tons of attention and my dashboards are backordered for a couple more days. I'm doing my best to get everyone their new dashboard so please be patient. I'm still offering free tech support on my business line for those who need it.

But if you're just getting to this post, please remember a couple things before posting a new question:
- If you have this Walmart Bird ES4, whether you have bluetooth available or not, you won't be able to change or modify the firmware settings unless you have the green circuit board dash
- it has the C15 capacitor on the back removed
- if you have a purple circuit board dash, the process is different so don't break your new scooter trying to modify a purple dash.

I am selling a pre-loaded dash if you want to unlock the full potential of your ES4. My dash is only $40 so it's not like I'm making a killing doing this. It's more that I'm an enthusiast willing to help out the community and maybe a few more ppl will enjoy their scooter more and leave their car parked in the driveway.
My tech support is also free, as all of you will have different issues and probably find it faster to text me directly to solve your individual concerns.

Have fun, be safe and wear a helmet.

801-810-8838 (text)
I’m still waiting on mine. You stopped responding to my texts. I sent you extra cash too. What’s going on Cory?
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Joined: Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:48 pm

Re: Walmart Special ES4 Advice!

Postby hypnosis4u2nv Thu Feb 25, 2021 2:26 am

I'm in the same boat with Cory @Cdogg. Said he mailed it out on the 4th of February and I havent gotten anything, not even a tracking number. Paid him in December and I tried to be patient and wait for his supply to come in.

Posting this because I feel like I got scammed out of $40. Pff...
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:26 am

Re: Walmart Special ES4 Advice!

Postby freewaypigeon Sun Mar 07, 2021 2:01 pm

I'm in the same boat with Cory @Cdogg. Said he mailed it out on the 4th of February and I havent gotten anything, not even a tracking number. Paid him in December and I tried to be patient and wait for his supply to come in.

Posting this because I feel like I got scammed out of $40. Pff...
Posts: 79
Joined: Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:08 am

Re: Walmart Special ES4 Advice!

Postby CDogg Sun Mar 07, 2021 3:07 pm

To the last few who haven't received a dashboard yet, I ordered 2 shipments from AliExpress where I have received the same cloned dashboards that are currently in your Bird ES4s. So, finding the original style was a bit of a challenge. On top of helping my wife with a severe COVID attack and spending many sleepless nights in the hospital with her, I'm also dealing with a family death that indirectly affected my housing situation. And while these aren't your problems, and in no way obsolve me of my responsibility to deliver on my promise, I hope that you can access some sympathy and know that my intentions have been 100% altruistic. I'm certainly no expert when it comes to managing expectations, and for that, I sincerely apologize. I never in my wildest dreams set out to scam anyone of a $40 dashboard, especially when all I want, is for you to love the thrill of eScooters as much as I do. And anyone who has text me previously seeking free Bird ES4 tech support probably knows this about me even if it was just a brief conversation.
So if you're still waiting on a dash, I'm doing my best and I will send them out as soon as they are flashed. I didn't expect this thread to get the response it did, and I've never handled getting more than 100+ people texting me and taking that many orders but I should've planned better and used an eCommerce site rather than treat each request like a college buddy. I failed to plan and I failed many of you.
To those waiting on a refund, someone got impatient and got it directly from Venmo which caused them to freeze the entire account, so I can't access those funds now until that's resolved. So I apologize for that too. But, if you collected your refund from Venmo directly, and you're still contacting me for a dash or a refund, well, that makes you the scammer and you're just making the life of a struggling small business owner and family man that much harder.

If you paid for a dash and still waiting on it, please just send me a text with your name and address, and I'll get them out as soon as I have it.

Thank you again,
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Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2020 7:25 am

Re: Walmart Special ES4 Advice!

Postby Billybobthor Fri Mar 12, 2021 12:11 am

Are warranties still handled by:
Segway Service Support
6880 Commerce Blvd
Canton, MI 48187
[email protected]

The phone is disconnected and email bounces.

Does anyone have an updated way to contact service?
Posts: 79
Joined: Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:08 am

Re: Walmart Special ES4 Advice!

Postby CDogg Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:07 pm

Attention to those waiting on a dashboard from me:
I finally received a quality shipment of dashboards from China yesterday. I spent the better part of last night getting them flashed and packaged. I'm still waiting to hear from Venmo to see who received a refund already, but if you're waiting for a dash, and you didn't request a refund from Venmo directly, then please shoot me a quick text so I can rush ship your dash to you. My offer for free tech support still stands to anyone who needs it.
Again, I apologize for the delay, some thing's are just beyond control and are subject to human error. These are the moments when we have the opportunity to exercise patience and empathy for our fellow man.
Thank you fellow scooter enthusiasts.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:26 am

Re: Walmart Special ES4 Advice!

Postby freewaypigeon Thu Mar 25, 2021 4:29 am

Still waiting on my refund, Corey. I gave you my Google Pay after you said Venmo is not working. Where is my refund? I left you a vm a week or two ago. Time to pay back everyone.

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