Dual displays.

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Dual displays.

Postby Lilyth Fri Aug 05, 2022 5:16 pm

Does anyone know what would happen if you try to splice two separate displays into the same port? for example I'm working on a lime Gen 4 and I bought an aftermarket controller that came with a display (brain power controller with s886 display) on the Gen 4 the the display isn't like a ble on the ninebots so I'm wondering since it has the same wires, the same color coding, could I just splice them together? Would I get different readouts, since they're geared differently, or would it just counteract each other and neither one would work? Would it brick? Does anybody have any input
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Re: Dual displays.

Postby ransomharris Wed Dec 07, 2022 9:15 am

That's a pretty good question. I also have the same question as you. Hope to be able to get answers from those who know how to answer these questions.
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