Can't get my ES2 go faster than ~25Km/h. Need help please.

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Can't get my ES2 go faster than ~25Km/h. Need help please.

Postby Tronitete Tue Aug 29, 2023 12:39 am

Hi folks! It's my 1st post here.

My friend's wife has fallen off her ES2 and chipped a tooth. Now she's scared and she doesn't want to ride it anymore. The good news is... I got a free e-scooter!
In fact I'm enjoying riding it so much I'm changing some of my personal routines to use it to go to town for small shopping, meeting friends, or just go out for "a one battery-long fun ride".

I've been reading stuff online and fiddling around with CFW built on the website.
I've been able to give it more power so it goes up hills much better, and go from the original 20Km/h to around 25. Also I find the FreeWheel setting (KHERS/12) very useful as I can use gravity downhill to save battery (I think in some slight slopes it gives more range than regenerative breaking).

But I cannot make it go any faster than 25Km/h!
According to the settings I input on the CFW builder, it should go faster. But it doesn't.
Also, I've changed its region from U (limited to ~20Km/h) to S (limited to ~30Km/h) but in practice I see no change in top speed.
Info on Android apps show settings that the e-scooter is limited to ~30Km/h but it never goes beyond ~25, even with a 100% charged battery. (I only have the original battery, no 2nd one installed)
I've also noticed that when applying CFWs built on the site, the e-scooter ignores all modes (eco, white and red S) and just behaves the same in all modes. In practice, I've lost the 3 modes and it looks like it is always on the red S mode. Is this normal?

Even if I install the latest official firmware and with the region set to limit it to ~30Km/h, in fact it doesn't go faster than 20! (not even in the red S mode)

AFAIK this e-scooter was never sent for repairs, meaning it still has all original hardware, battery, controller, etc.
The e-scooter is 4 years old but the battery is still in good condition, so i think I can exclude the battery not being able to supply enough juice for it to go faster. When it was given to me, it had done around 300Km.

I've tried lots of possible configurations on the CFW builder (even tried the old version) giving it settings to go faster than 25Km/h but it has never worked. It seems that all top speed settings are ignored. I think I've done all options I could have done (at least that I am aware of) and ran out of options on how to solve this.

So, wiser ones, can you please help me out?
If you need more details or info, just ask.
Thank you very much for any help guys!!
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Re: Can't get my ES2 go faster than ~25Km/h. Need help please.

Postby Semanto88 Sun Oct 01, 2023 7:23 pm

It sounds like you've already done a lot of tweaking with your ES2. Have you checked the tire pressure and the condition of the wheels? Sometimes, a lower tire pressure or worn-out wheels can limit the speed.

dreadhead parkour
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Re: Can't get my ES2 go faster than ~25Km/h. Need help please.

Postby mariahcarey Thu Oct 12, 2023 6:36 am

It's possible that the motor or controller may have limitations that prevent the scooter from going faster, regardless of firmware modifications. Replacing these components might be necessary for a significant speed increase. tiki taka toe
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Re: Can't get my ES2 go faster than ~25Km/h. Need help please.

Postby BaileyDaugherty Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:56 am

Regardless of whether or not the software is modified, it is possible that the motor or controller has constraints that prevent the scooter from traveling at a quicker speed. In order to achieve a remarkable acceleration, it is possible that certain components will need to be replaced. geometry dash
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Re: Can't get my ES2 go faster than ~25Km/h. Need help please.

Postby Tronitete Sun Jan 07, 2024 8:10 pm

Thanks everyone for replying.
I'm sorry for not replying earlier but I admit I forgot about this post. Since I didn't get a quick enough reply I actually ended up forgetting about it and sent it to the back burner. Cold and rainy winter with shorter days also made me park my scooter so it's all stored for next spring / summer.
Meanwhile I was cleaning up my browser bookmarks and found it again, checked it, and there are multiple useful replies here so you guys deserve a reply.

@Semanto88 The scooter has it original hard rubber puncture proof uninflatable tires. Thanks for your valuable hint but it doesn't apply in this case. I believe the back tire can be changed but not the front one where the motor is.

@mariahcarey and @BaileyDaugherty, I was unaware that there could be other speed safeguards in place that overrun the firmware, thanks for letting me know.
Since the scooter is all from factory, I don't think it makes sense to spend extra money replacing perfectly good and fine original components just for a little increment in speed. Also the battery is small so the short range will be even shorter, so if this is not easy (firmware modification) and cheap, it's not worth it. Also, the 4 or 5 years old battery will work harder and degrade even faster.
I believe if you place a 2nd battery the controller will increase its speed to 30 or 35Km/h, so you'll enjoy both a speed and range increase. But batteries, especially the original ones, are expensive and probably now not even manufactured any longer, meaning even if bought now and new I'd be buying a battery with aged chemistry and therefore not the original ability to hold charge (for range).

I've seen videos of people building their own batteries but there's always room for failure that with potential catastrophic consequences. A releasing toxic chemicals wild fire at home is not worth saving a few Euros...

Are you aware if there is any place online I can buy a replacement non-original quality and reliable 2nd battery, shipping to Europe?

Again, thanks for any hints. Cheers and happy new year my dudes.
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Re: Can't get my ES2 go faster than ~25Km/h. Need help please.

Postby elliotzucker Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:30 am

Homemade batteries are really unsafe. The car is associated with life safety, so buy it from reputable establishments. You can find many addresses on google. The important thing is reasonable price and easy transportation. Because moving batteries is not a simple thing fish eat fish

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